
Consumer sensitivity, more and more eco-friendly and green oriented, is pushing the industry to adopt alternative solutions from petrolchemical’s ones. We are going into the Bio Polimers world. Only 1% of plastic market is represented by bioplastic to date [1]. In order to understand applications and potentialities of these new materials it is necessary to face this topic from the beginning.

We talk about bioplastic in the case of polymer originated by biomass renewable, or in the case of biodegradability. Also, with materials having both these features.
The industry look at these innovative ad green materials with two main scopes: A)To solve the dependency from fossil resources and b) to manage the disposal of plastic waste.
The following table provides a classification according to the above descriptions:

This concise overview about biopolymers aims to illustrate the complexity and also the enormous potential behind this material.
The matrix is represented in order to make easy and ready understandable the bioplastic world for our customers and users. For any further information, Pidikei is willing to provide its support.